Custom design options • Innovative ideas • Unique design solutions

Craig Mitchell and Martha Channer of MC2 Design
MC2 The Science of Design is a full service spatial design company that specializes in transforming ordinary spaces into extraordinary experiences!
Located in the Treasure valley of Southwestern Idaho, Martha Channer and Craig Mitchell bring a highly unique set of skills and talents to the world of contemporary design.
“The power of two is evident in the creative projects produced by designers Martha Channer and Craig Mitchell, a husband-and-wife team who offer dynamic spatial installations combined with traditional interior design services. As accomplished fine artists, they bring an original and inspiring aesthetic to the field of contemporary design. Whether commercial or residential, their progressive spatial concepts, careful attention to detail, delicious color palettes, and unusual custom design options, create the unique synergy that they refer to as the science of design.”
– Satri Pencak, curator and arts writer
Craig Mitchell – Design/Build Manager
Craig began his design career building custom homes and working as a sculptor. This combination of engineering and fine art training produced a signature style which is both practical/functional and aesthetic. His creative approach to materials: the use of found objects and unusual product lines; constructions in wood with kiln fired glass; and bronze casting provides architects and clients with a large range of original design solutions. All aspects of the natural world suffuse and inspire his creations; he often gets his inspiration from the beautiful and exceptionally rich eco-systems found in the western united states.
Martha Channer – Art Director
Martha brings over twenty years of design experience to each new project. Educated in the fine arts at Chicago’s School of The Art Institute, she started her first design company doing fine art murals and decorative applications. Because of her long history with dance and choreography, she has developed the knack for creating ambiance with a kinetic twist. She also teaches classes, gives lectures, and creates presentations on art, art history, color design, interior design, and art marketing. As a fine artist, she exhibits her paintings and murals in galleries and museums.

Craig Mitchell and Martha Channer of MC2 Design
MC2 The Science of Design is a full service spatial design company that specializes in transforming ordinary spaces into extraordinary experiences!
Located in the Treasure valley of Southwestern Idaho, Martha Channer and Craig Mitchell bring a highly unique set of skills and talents to the world of contemporary design.
“The power of two is evident in the creative projects produced by designers Martha Channer and Craig Mitchell, a husband-and-wife team who offer dynamic spatial installations combined with traditional interior design services. As accomplished fine artists, they bring an original and inspiring aesthetic to the field of contemporary design. Whether commercial or residential, their progressive spatial concepts, careful attention to detail, delicious color palettes, and unusual custom design options, create the unique synergy that they refer to as the science of design.”
– Satri Pencak, curator and arts writer
Craig Mitchell – Design/ Build Manager
Craig began his design career building custom homes and working as a sculptor. This combination of engineering and fine art training produced a signature style which is both practical/functional and aesthetic. His creative approach to materials: the use of found objects and unusual product lines; constructions in wood with kiln fired glass; and bronze casting provides architects and clients with a large range of original design solutions. All aspects of the natural world suffuse and inspire his creations; he often gets his inspiration from the beautiful and exceptionally rich eco-systems found in the western united states.
Martha Channer – Art Director
Martha brings twenty-eight years of design experience to each new project. Educated in the fine arts at Chicago’s School of The Art Institute, she started her first design company doing fine art murals and decorative applications. Because of her long history with dance and choreography, she has developed the knack for creating ambiance with a kinetic twist. She also teaches classes, gives lectures, and creates presentations on art, art history, color design, interior design, and art marketing. As a fine artist, she exhibits her paintings and murals in galleries and museums.
www.marthachanner.com and http://c14contemporaryarts.com/artists/martha-channer/
Spatial Design is an all-inclusive design philosophy that encompasses commercial and residential design for both interior and exterior projects. Progressive and conceptual, it crosses the boundaries of traditional design disciplines such as architecture, interior design, landscape design, and public art. The emphasis of the philosophy is on working with people and space, and the concept of place identity known as genius loci or “spirit of place”. Learn more about this cross-discipline approach to design here.
Genius loci, usually refers to a location’s distinctive atmosphere, or a “spirit of place”, rather than necessarily a guardian spirit. An example of contemporary usage might be along the lines of “Light reveals the genius loci of a place.”
Spirit of place (or soul) refers to the unique, distinctive and cherished aspects of a place; often those celebrated by artists and writers, but also those cherished in folk tales, festivals and celebrations. It is thus as much in the invisible weave of culture (stories, art, memories, beliefs, histories, etc.) as it is the tangible physical aspects of a place (monuments, boundaries, rivers, woods, architectural style, rural crafts styles, pathways, views, and so on) or its interpersonal aspects (the presence of relatives, friends and kindred spirits, and the like). Learn more about the concept of spirit of place here.
Five “Spirit of place” symposiums were produced by environmental psychologist James Swan and Roberta Swan, in the United States and Japan. The programs sought to explore the relationship between ancient wisdom about the importance of a sense or spirit of a place, and modern science and design. The programs—held in Davis, CA; Grace Cathedral, San Francisco’ Mesa Verde National Park; Tenri, Japan; and San Rafael, CA—featured over 350 speakers, including scientists, designers, and representatives of native cultures. They also included concerts by Paul Horn, Anna Halprin, Steven Halpern, and R. Carlos Nakai. The five programs attracted an audience of 10,000, and featured on national TV in the United States and Japan. The symposium held in Tenri, Japan, was the largest environmental conference in Japan that year. Representatives of 20 different American Indian tribes, Ainu, Inuit, Aborigine, and African traditional cultures were speakers in the series. Modern earth art (sometimes called environment art) is exemplified by artists such as Andy Goldsworthy, who have explored the contribution of natural/ephemeral sculpture to spirit of place.